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Essay Contest

Essay Submission Information and Form

Essays are due by February 20, 2025

General Submission Guidelines

  1.   Essays are to be submitted by a sponsoring teacher or counselor from the school where the student is enrolled.

                  For homeschooled students not enrolled in a public or private school, a parent should sponsor the student.
  2.   Each teacher shall submit no more than three student entries per class. 
                  (i.e., if a teacher teaches two classes/sections, that teacher may submit up to three entries from each class/section, for a total of six).
  3.   A school counselor may submit no more than three student entries.
  4.   There is no limit to the number of teachers or counselors who may submit entries from one school.
  5.   All fields in the Online Submission Form below must be completed for each essay submitted, along with the following two documents:​​​​​​

1.  Student & Parent Release Form 

  • This form must be submitted for the essay to qualify for the contest.
  • Before attaching, please rename the file using the student's Last Name followed by First and Middle Initials in the following format:

                For John C. Smith the file would be named "SmithJC-EssayRelease.pdf"
  • The Student & Parent Release Form can be found here: Student & Parent Release Form
    • This form is a fillable PDF that must be downloaded and opened in Adobe Acrobat if you wish to sign electronically; if you choose to complete it by hand, please be sure that all information is legible.

          2.  Student Essay​​​​​​

  • Before attaching, please rename the file using the student's Last Name followed by First and Middle Initials in the following format:
               For student John C. Smith the file would be named "SmithJC-Essay.pdf"
  • NO identifying information should be included within the essay itself (i.e. no teacher name, student name, school name, etc.).
  • The essay may be submitted in any of the following file formats:  .pdf  .docx  .doc. 

Please click here for a complete list of contest rules, and be sure to read them carefully.  Students should be mindful of the contest topic, and should review the full fact pattern; as noted in the rules, essays not responsive to the topic will be disqualified.  If you have any questions, please email

The submission has passed and we are no longer accepting essays.



First Name *
Last Name *
Teacher/Counselor Phone Number (Required)
ext Extension
School City


First Name *
Last Name *


Before attaching, please rename the file in the format described in the General Submission Guidelines above (ex. "SmithJC-EssayRelease.pdf").
No file selected


Before attaching, please rename the file in the format described in the General Submission Guidelines above (ex. "SmithJC-Essay.pdf").
No file selected