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2023 Fellows Opportunity Catalog

How can YOU get involved?



An important part of the James W. Cooper Fellows mission is to sponsor programs that explore topics of timely importance to the legal community, enhance public understanding of the judicial system, and address matters concerning the administration of justice in Connecticut.  Each Fellow has the unique opportunity to participate in the activities of the Fellows Program and may recommend new programs to the Foundation.   

The CBF has many exciting programs scheduled for the 2023-2024 season with which you can help.  Each program is detailed below and was developed in collaboration with the Fellows Education and Program Committee (FEPC). Click on a program title to learn more. 

Please consider getting involved with one or more of these projects, and sharing your talents, networks, and expertise to create meaningful programming for the Fellows and the Connecticut legal community at large.  For more information, please contact the Foundation at   

Please use the form at the bottom of this page to volunteer for any of our Fellows programs. 

Click HERE to jump to the Volunteer Form.



We welcome you to help us plan any or all aspects of one or more programs, depending on your interests and available time. You can also present your own idea for a new program and allow us to help you develop and produce it.  Fellows who have been involved in the development and production of CBF programs have found the experience worthwhile, educational, and fulfilling, and have created new friendships and networks that they keep long after the program concludes.  Some programs have even lead to meaningful and significant changes to a law or policy, thereby providing a sustained benefit to residents of the state of Connecticut. 

The time required to participate in planning a program is as much or as little as a Fellow wants to give.  On average, developing a program involves approximately 2 to 4 hours per month until the program is presented.  If you join a program development team, you need not speak or present at the event unless you choose to.  You should feel free to join a committee simply to share your ideas and thoughts about the topic, the speakers, or the format.  Many Fellows indicate that they acquire a deeper understanding and knowledge about the topic through their participation in the development process.  


Thank you in advance for your commitment to the Foundation, and for helping continue the tradition of high-quality CBF programming.


Fellows Education and Program Committee



Symposia and Speaker Series



Celebrating Our History



Student Programs



Other Opportunities to Get Involved


Do you have an idea for a new program? 
Share it with us by emailing or including it in the Volunteer Form!


Express your interest in our Fellows programs by completing the form below.

First Name *
Last Name *
I am interested in helping with the following program(s):
(Select one or more)
I have an idea for a new program: