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Fellows Nominating Timeline

The James W. Cooper Fellows take great pride in welcoming outstanding new Fellows to their ranks.  The Fellows nomination process follows the same basic timeline each year; a general guide is listed below. 

*Please note that nominations for new Fellows are accepted on a rolling basis, but will not be considered by the Fellows Nominating Committee until the Fall.  

Mid-September – Request for nominations of new Fellows sent to all current Fellows and CBF Board of Directors

Early October – Deadline for submitting nominations

Mid-October – CBF staff compiles information about all nominees

Mid-late October – Fellows Nominating Committee meets to review nominees and ensure each meets the selection criteria listed here; Committee votes and approves slate of nominees.  For a list of current members of the Fellows Nominating Committee, please click here.

Late October – slate of Fellows nominees is circulated to all current Fellows for review and approval

Early December – slate of Fellows nominees is presented for approval to the CBF Board of Directors at its December meeting; once approved, Fellows who nominated new Fellows reach out to their nominees to confirm their desire to become a Fellow

Mid-late December – CBF sends invitation letters to new class of Fellows


