Fellows Roster
Chair - Honorable Barry Armata
Vice Chair - Honorable Cecil Thomas
Secretary - Attorney Yamuna Menon
2024 Catherine Roraback Circle
The Roraback Circle is composed of Life Fellows who are prominent Connecticut attorneys and judges committed to the preservation and expansion of the Rule of Law who have made enhanced funding contributions to support the Fellows Program. The Circle is named in honor and memory of the late Catherine “Katie” Roraback. Katie’s entire career exemplified what it truly means for an attorney to uphold the Rule of Law and the administration of justice.
#Robert L. Berchem
#William H. Clendenen, Jr.
#Timothy S. Fisher
#Thomas D. Goldberg -
#Hon. Matthew Dallas Gordon
#Hon. Janet C. Hall
#*Robert M. Langer
#Hon. Ingrid L. Moll -
#Joseph A. Santos
#James T. Shearin
#Hon. James Sicilian
Diane W. Whitney
2025 Sustaining Life Fellows
These generous individuals have made the Connecticut Bar Foundation a central part of their annual giving beyond their initial ten-year giving pledge. The contributions of Sustaining Life Fellows help the Foundation continually find ways to advance the role of the law in society and to build public awareness around the need to increase equitable access to justice.
Hon. Barbara D. Aaron
Hon. Holly Abery-Wetstone
Christopher P. Anderson
Peter Arakas
Hon. Barry F. Armata
Hon. Vanessa Roberts Avery
Hon. Stuart David Bear
Lawrence Berliner
Audrey B. Blondin
James E. Bowers
Francis J. Brady
Hon. Suzanne E. Caron
John P. Casey
Richard A. Cerrato
Cheryl A. Chase
Hon. Victoria Woodin Chavey
*Sanford Cloud Jr.
William Conti
Hon. Juliett L. Crawford
David J. Crotta, Jr.
Hon. Alexandra D. DiPentima
*Kathryn Emmett
Melissa A. Farley
Mary-Christy Fisher
Karl Fleischmann
Christiana N. Gianopulos
*Rosemary E. Giuliano
Rachel Goldberg -
#Thomas D. Goldberg
David S. Golub
*Hon. Elaine Gordon
Daniel L. Gottfried
Frank M. Grazioso
Kaaryn S. Gustafson
Robert A. Harris
James E. Hartley, Jr.
Jevera Kaye Hennessey
Marcia L. Hincks
Nancy A. Hronek
Paul A. Hudon
Hon. Christine E. Keller
Linda J. Kelly
Hon. James G. Kenefick Jr.
Robert K. Killian, Jr.
Molly S. LeVan
Tamara Kagan Levine
William Logue
Hon. Ann E. Lynch
Jay F. Malcynsky
Lesley D. Mara
Harry N. Mazadoorian
Willajeanne McLean
Jane I. Milas
Lawrence F. Morizio
Bruce A. Morrison -
Sean P. Moylan
Thomas J. Murphy
William H. Narwold
Moy N. Ogilvie
Jonathan B. Orleans
Susan Tarren Pearlman
Mitchell W. Pearlman
Hon. A. Susan Peck
Louis R. Pepe
Charles A. Pillsbury
Craig A. Raabe
Robert I. Reardon, Jr.
Thomas D. Ritter
Hon. Stuart D. Rosen
Daniel A. Schwartz
#James T. Shearin
James Sicilian
Isabella M. Squicciarini
Jack G. Steigelfest
Hon. Elizabeth J. Stewart
D. Charles Stohler
Thomas N. Sullivan
Hon. Patricia A. Swords
William H. Trachsel
Karla A. Turekian
Gayle Wintjen
Calvin K. Woo
Life Fellows
Life Fellows have fulfilled the generous initial contribution pledge they made to support the
James W. Cooper Fellows Program upon accepting the invitation to become a Fellow.
Hon. Taggart D. Adams
Daniel W. Adelman
Gregg D. Adler
Melinda A. Agsten
Tokunbo Akinbajo
*Hon. Jon M. Alander
+David Albert
Hon. Joan K. Alexander
Lori B. Alexander
Alyce L. Alfano
Robert W. Allen
Elizabeth A. Alquist
Anne L. Alstott
Hon. Bethany J. Alvord
Erika L. Amarante
Bonnie Amendola
+Henry B. Anderson
John M. Andreini
Charles R. Andres
+J. Danford Anthony, Jr.
Frank A. Appicelli
Hon. Janet Bond Arterton
David P. Atkins
Ian Ayres
Jeffrey Babbin
Melanie A. Bachman
Hon. Claudia A. Baio
Rachel M. Baird
Zoe Baird
Frank L. Baker
Hon. Laura F. Baldini
David A. Ball
Richard F. Banbury
Morris W. Banks
Livia D. Barndollar
Robert C. Barnum, Jr.
Campbell D. Barrett
Ryan P. Barry
James D. Bartolini
Elizabeth C. Barton
Andrea Barton Reeves
Kenneth J. Bartschi
Hon. Timothy D. Bates
Jon Bauer
Aaron S. Bayer
Hon. Robert E. Beach, Jr.
Tina Clark Beamon
Stuyvesant K. Bearns
Patricia R. Beauregard
Michael R. Becker
John H. Beers
Andreana R. Bellach
+David L. Belt
Peter W. Benner
Helen B. Bennet
Frank S. Berall
Jonathan D. Berchem
Hon. Marshall K. Berger, Jr.
Shirley Bergert
John A. Berman
Christopher D. Bernard
Christel Ford Berry
+*Richard A. Bieder
+Hon. James F. Bingham
Nan Mead Birdwhistell
Hon. Thomas A. Bishop
Anne Louise Blanchard
Daniel S. Blinn
Ira W. Bloom
William M. Bloss
+*Phillip I. Blumberg
Jeffrey M. Blumenthal
Hon. Richard Blumenthal
David W. Bogan
Erin Boggs
+*L. Stewart Bohan
John L. Bonee, III
+Hon. Kevin E. Booth
Kathleen E. Bornhorst
Shari D. Bornstein
Donald L. Borod
Courtney B. Bourns
+William W. Bouton, III
Tanya A. Bovee
Kathy S. Bower
Richard W. Bowerman
+Samuel W. Bowlby
Timothy J. Boyce
Thomas W. Boyce, Jr.
Leonard C. Boyle
Lisa M. Boyle
Michael J. Boyle
David J. Bozzuto
Thomas L. Brayton, III
William R. Breetz
+Hon. Frederica S. Brenneman
Mary Piscatelli Brigham
Hon. Donna M. Wilkerson Brillant
+Leslie R. Brimmer
Charlsa D. Broadus
Kevin J. Brophy
Debra A. Brown
Douglas S. Brown
Jennifer G. Brown
Michael O. Brown
Richard R. Brown
Daniel Putnam Brown, Jr.
Hon. Alice A. Bruno
G. Eric Brunstad, Jr.
Susan J. Bryson
+*Hon. Ellen Bree Burns
+Harold C. Buckingham Jr.
Martin L. Budd
+Clifford S. Burdge, Jr.
Joseph B. Burns
Susan V. Busby
Gregory B. Butler
Richard J. Buturla
Michael J. Cacace
Frances Z. Calafiore
James W. Caley
Kathryn Calibey
+Hon. Robert J. Callahan
Jane Callanan
+Hon. Harry E. Calmar
Lawrence J. Campane
Deborah D. Cannavino
John W. Cannavino
+Raynald B. Cantin
Michael A. Cantor
Lisa J. Cappalli
Laura A. Cardillo
Brian S. Carlow
Herbert E. Carlson, Jr.
Hon. Susan L. Carney
Cynthia Carr
Hon. Patrick L. Carroll III
Mark R. Carta
Sheree Carter-Galvan
William J. Casazza
Coleman H. Casey
Daniel E. Casagrande
Dena Castricone
Richard E. Castiglioni
Ann Catino
Dennis C. Cavanaugh
Paula Cruz Cedillo
Thomas P. Cella
William H. Champlin, III
Hon. Courtney M. Chaplin
Sheila S. Charmoy
*Hon. Robert N. Chatigny
Carlton S. Chen
Maria C. Chiarelli
Janice Chiaretto
David R. Chipman
Jenny R. Chou
Robert K. Ciulla
Hon. Robert B. Clark
Thomas F. Clauss, Jr.
Brian Clemow
Glenn E. Coe
Robert Coffey
Neil H. Cogan
Adam J. Cohen
Burton B. Cohen
David M. Cohen
+Ronald J. Cohen
Hon. Henry S. Cohn
+*William K. Cole
Britt-Marie K. Cole-Johnson
Barbara J. Collins
*Francis J. Collins
John A. Collins, III
Hon. Susan A. Connors
Stephen J. Conover
^Jesse Conrad
David W. Cooney
Jeffrey A. Cooper
*Peter B. Cooper
Andy I. Corea
*Hon. Thomas J. Corradino
+Peter L. Costas
Frank F. Coulom, Jr.
+Hon. Alfred V. Covello
+Maureen Danehy Cox
+Frank J. Coyle
Hon. Melanie L. Cradle
William E. Craig
+*Douglas M. Crockett
Milagros S. Cruz
Raymond R. Cuatto, Jr.
George A. Dagon, Jr.
Anne C. Dailey
Joseph D. D'Alesio
Theresa M. Dalton
Eric D. Daniels
Nora R. Dannehy
Proloy K. Das
Hon. Gregory D'Auria
Marjorie Allen Dauster
Ariel David
+*William R. Davis
+John G. Day
Ronald O. Dederick
Eva DeFranco
Jennifer M. DelMonico
Madelyn M. DeMatteo
Steven R. Dembo
Hon. Karen DeMeola
Donald J. Deneen
Laurie G. DeNigris
Hon. Maureen D. Dennis
Brackett B. Denniston, III
Sheila A. Denton
S. Frank D'Ercole
Eleanor DeVane
+*Milton P. DeVane
Hon. Robert J. Devlin, Jr.
Hon. Julia D. Dewey
+Vincent L. Diana
D. Randall DiBella
Timothy A. Diemand
Brett Dignam
+*Francis X. Dineen
Victoria M. DiSesa
Judith Dixon
Hon. Edward J. Dolan
Robert P. Dolian
Harold C. Donegan
+Hon. John E. Donegan
Thomas J. Donohue, Jr.
+Jane F. Donovan
Sharon Wicks Dornfeld
+*Hon. Peter C. Dorsey
Hyacinth V. Douglas-Bailey
*William F. Dow, III
Karen L. Dowd
James G. Dowling, Jr.
+*William J. Doyle
Philip M. Drake
Hon. Anne C. Dranginis
John F. Droney
Mark A. Dubois
B. Dane Dudley
Kim L. Duell
Felice Duffy
Eileen C. Duggan
Diane B. Duhaime
Steven Duke
^Garlinck Dumont
+Edward W. Dunham
William V. Dunlap
+Hon. Antoinette L. Dupont
Gerald P. Dwyer, Jr.
+Charles R. Ebersol, Sr.
Hon. Steven D. Ecker
*Brenda A. Eckert
Ralph G. Eddy
Stewart I. Edelstein
Christian P. Edmonds
+*Hon. Warren W. Eginton
Steven L. Elbaum
+Kathleen Eldergill
Hon. Nina F. Elgo
Pamela K. Elkow
+*Ralph Gregory Elliot
+David J. Elliott
Robert J. Engelman
Steven Eppler-Epstein
Miguel A. Escalera, Jr.
Hon. Carmen E. Espinosa
+*Jack H. Evans
Hon. Dennis G. Eveleigh
Lisa A. Faccadio
Marvin Farbman
Steven M. Fast
*Dale P. Faulkner
Gregory R. Faulkner
Barry S. Feigenbaum
Gaetano Ferro
Danielle P. Ferrucci
Cheryl Diane Feuerman
Sabato P. Fiano
+Frank H. Finch, Jr.
Thomas J. Finn
Harold B. Finn, III
William S. Fish Jr.
Dina S. Fisher
+Everett Fisher
+*Anthony M. Fitzgerald
Daniel L. FitzMaurice
William T. Fitzmaurice
Hon. Holly B. Fitzsimmons
Kathleen M. Flaherty
Evan D. Flaschen
John R. Flores
Garrett S. Flynn
Hon. Francis J. Foley, III
Marilyn J. Ford
Hon. Frank J. Forgione
Carlo A. Forzani
Monte E. Frank
Steven M. Frederick -
Hon. Frederick A. Freedman
Deborah S. Freeman
Jonathan M. Freiman
Steven I. Frenkel
David P. Friedman
Dominic Fulco, III
Doreen Fundiller-Zweig
Thomas E. Gaffey
J. Brian Gaffney
Michael A. Gailor
John Q. Gale
+*William F. Gallagher
Brad Gallant
Joseph J. Gallicchio
Ross H. Garber
Paul Garcia
Gerald Garfield
Joseph D. Garrison
Bridget A. Garrity
James O. Gaston
Shelley D. Geballe
Cynthia Coulter George
Aaron L. Gersten
Emily Gianquinto
Gail Feingold Giesen
+Robert T. Gilhuly
Hon. Charles D. Gill
Charles D. Gill, Jr.
Douglas W. Gillette
John J. Gillies, Jr.
Elizabeth P. Gilson
Sandi B. Girolamo
Richard A. Gitlin
James I. Glasser
Andrew C. Glassman
Eric Glover
Stephen B. Goddard
William D. Goddard
Dara P. Goings
Hon. David P. Gold
Gary R. Gold
Ronald Gold
Robin S. Golden
Ira H. Goldman
Stephen E. Goldman
Hon. Karen A. Goodrow
*Robert R. Googins
Robert W. Gordon
Martin A. Gould
Dahlia O. Grace
+*Raymond B. Green
James G. Green, Jr.
^Sara E. Greene
+*James R. Greenfield
E.J. Greenspan
Steven M. Greenspan
Beth D. Griffin
+*Thomas J. Groark, Jr.
Andrew S. Groher
Eric Grondahl
*Ira B. Grudberg
Hon. F. Herbert Gruendel
Thomas A. Gugliotti
Peter A. Gutermann
Kate W. Haakonsen
Hon. Arthur C. Hadden
J. C. David Hadden
Ursula L. Haerter
Michael F. Halloran
*R. Bartley Halloran
Nancy A. D. Hancock
Suzanne Hard
Gail P. Hardy
Hon. Lubbie Harper, Jr.
Mitchell R. Harris
Richard D. Harris
Raymond M. Hassett
+George C. Hastings
+Irwin J. Hausman
Joshua A. Hawks-Ladds
Sheila Hayre
Stephen B. Hazard
Mark W. Heaphy
Honor S. Heath
Hon. Seymour L. Hendel
+*Edward F. Hennessey
Eric Henzy
Hon. John W. Hetherington
Charles B. Higgins
Marcia L. Hincks
Robert C. Hinton
Douglas T. Hirai
+Jon T. Hirschoff
Judith Hoberman
Beverly J. Hodgson
Lee D. Hoffman
+Alexander J. Holland
Hon. Robert L. Holzberg
Kathleen M. Hopko
Cameron F. Hopper
Maura H. Horan
Matthew M. Horowitz
John J. Houlihan, Jr.
An-Ping Hsieh
Hon. Sheila A. Huddleston
Christopher J. Hug
+Lewis A. Hurwitz
Charisse E. Hutton
Sung-Ho Hwang
+Jay W. Jackson
Jennifer D. Jackson
Johnnie M. Jackson, Jr.
+*Howard A. Jacobs
Hon. Irene P. Jacobs
Michael C. Jainchill
Charles E. Janson
Hon. Alfred J. Jennings, Jr.
Janis C. Jerman
Timothy J. Johnston
+Quintin Johnstone
Cheryl A. Juniewic
Carolyn W. Kaas
Glenn M. Kaas
Hon. Maria Araujo Kahn
Kevin T. Kane
+Patricia R. Kaplan
Richard M. Kaplan
+Scott M. Karsten
Joette Katz
Stuart M. Katz
Ellen Blake Keane
Hugh F. Keefe
Hon. Maureen M. Keegan
William J. Kelleher, III
*Carolyn P. Kelly
Peter G. Kelly
Erin Kemple
Jack S. Kennedy
John J. Kennedy, Jr.
Philip G. Kent
Judith M. Keppelman
James Kernan
Dennis F. Kerrigan, Jr.
Ginny O. Kim
Clare Kindall
+David S. King
John C. King
*Charles C. Kingsley
Howard Klebanoff
Daniel E. Kleinman
+*Catherine P. Kligerman
Paul E. Knag
Hon. Paul J. Knierim
Andrew Knott
Hon. Kimberly A. Knox
Harold Hongju Koh
+Hon. Joseph Q. Koletsky
Carolyn W. Kone
Michael Kopsick
Joshua Koskoff
+*Michael P. Koskoff
Michele G. Kostin
+Hon. Mark R. Kravitz
Alan J. Kreczko
Christopher P. Kriesen
Anthony T. Kronman
Michael Kurs
Hon. Linda K. Lager
Louise C. LaMontagne
Sharon D. Langer
Elam Lantz, Jr.
Hon. Douglas S. Lavine
Hon. James J. Lawlor
Michael P. Lawlor
John H. Lawrence, Jr.
Leonard Leader
Astrid Lebron
Hon. Charles T. Lee
+Joseph C. Lee
+*Elizabeth B. Leete
Mark D. Leighton
Mary Alice Moore Leonhardt
Hon. Robert C. Leuba
*Jay B. Levin
Leslie Levin
Betty G. Levy
Bruce Lewellyn
Joanne Lewis
Daniel E. Livingston
Alex Lloyd
Rhoda Loeb
+*Hon. Alva P. Loiselle
Sebastian Lombardi
Thomas J. Londregan
+Thomas R. Long
William C. Longa
James I. Lotstein
Wm. Bruce Louden
Kirk W. Lowry
Andrew R. Lubin
Eric Lukingbeal
Christopher J. Lynch
John B. Lynch Jr.
+James B. Lyon
Joseph A. MacDougald
+Hugh C. Macgill
Duncan R. MacKay
Jonathan R. Macey
Hon. Michael F. Magistrali
Pamela Magnano
Ramsaran Maharajh
Hon. Brian T. Mahon
Colin P. Mahon
Douglas P. Mahoney
Susan E. Malliet
John R. Mallin
Donat C. Marchand
Frank J. Marco
+Emanuel Margolis
Martin B. Margulies
Vincent M. Marino
Hon. Denise D. Markle
Susan C. Marks
Thomas S. Marrion
Jill E. Martin
Margaret Penny Mason
Ernest J. Mattei
John C. Matulis, Jr.
Dennis M. Mayer
Ward Mazzucco
Paul R. McCary
+Christopher P. McCormack
Brian T. McCormick
Jeffrey V. McCormick
Patricia A. McCoy
Hon. Andrew J. McDonald
Miles F. McDonald
Linda J. McDowell
William J. McGrath Jr.
+Austin J. McGuigan
Thomas J. McGuire
Edward F. McHugh
^Ryan McKeen
John F. McKenna
Ivy Thomas McKinney
Hon. C. Ian McLachlan
+F. Timothy McNamara
Gail E. McTaggart
Maximino Medina, Jr.
+*Arthur P. Meisler
Walter Menjivar
Hon. Yamini Menon
*Dwight H. Merriam
Hon. Sarah A. L. Merriam
Hon. Jeffrey A. Meyer
Amy Lin Meyerson
James M. Michener
*Stephen B. Middlebrook
Hon. Socrates H. Mihalakos
Barbara S. Miller
Sid M. Miller
Jonathan B. Mills
Anthony R. Minchella
Alice S. Miskimin
Lawrence J. Mix
Patrick J. Monahan II
Thomas B. Mooney
Andrew D. Moore
Garrett M. Moore
Pamela J. Moore
Roland F. Moots, Jr.
David A. Moraghan
Christine O. Morgan
Hon. Lisa K. Morgan
Priya S. Morganstern
Linda L. Morkan
D. Robert Morris
Francis H. Morrison, III
Marsha B. Moses
Neal L. Moskow
Hon. Thomas G. Moukawsher
Lawrence V. Mowell, Jr.
Hon. Lynda B. Munro
Colleen M. Murphy
Helen D. Murphy
Neil F. (Kim) Murphy, Jr.
Regina M. Murphy
Scott L. Murphy
+William R. Murphy
Martha Murray
Vincent M. Musto
Kathleen Mylod
Anthony J. Natale
Charles M. Needle
Alan Neigher
Chris R. Nelson
Eliot J. Nerenberg
+Leo Nevas
Nadine Nevins
Hon. Jon O. Newman
Nell Jessup Newton
Stephen L. Nightingale
+Hon. Martin L. Nigro
Hon. Cesar A. Noble -
John B. Nolan
Hon. Flemming L. Norcott, Jr.
+Hon. Raymond R. Norko
Anthony Nuzzo, Jr.
Gregory W. Nye
Dennis J. O'Brien
Julia P. O'Brien
Kevin M. O'Brien
George E. O'Brien, Jr.
Edward B. O'Connell
Brian T. O'Connor
Gary B. O'Connor
Kevin J. O'Connor
Hon. Edward V. O'Hanlan
Ilia M. O'Hearn
Hon. Leslie I. Olear
+Edwin J. O'Mara, Jr.
Erin O'Neil-Baker
Richard F. Orr
Paul W. Orth
Rosemarie Paine
*Hon. Richard N. Palmer
Melissa J. Papantones
Priscilla Pappadia
John A. Parese
Thomas G. Parisot
Adeline C. Park
Hon. Barrington D. Parker, Jr.
+Louis I. Parley
Michele Parrotta
Richard J. Patterson
Jeremy R. Paul
Francis J. Pavetti
Alfred U. Pavlis
Bruce R. Peabody
Robin M. Pearson
Hon. Joseph H. Pellegrino
+David A. Pels
Margaret Penny Mason
Michael Perzin
*Hon. Ellen Ash Peters
Donald D. Philips
Jean Perry Philips
*Anthony A. Piazza
Hon. John W. Pickard
H. James Pickerstein
Hon. Patty Jenkins Pittman
Humbert J. Polito, Jr.
Elliott B. Pollack
Bryan K. Pollard
Carl M. Porto, Sr.
Robert C. Post
Hon. Russell F. Potter, Jr.
Hon. Linda Pearce Prestley
William H. Prout, Jr.
+Ruth L. Pulda
Michael Pych
Justine C. Rakich-Kelly
Hon. Edgardo Ramos
Linda L. Randell
Asha Rangappa
Kevin J. Rasch
+Judith A. Ravel
Kelly E. Reardon
Thomas J. Rechen
Charles P. Reed
Robert S. Reger
David A. Reif
Pamela R. Reynolds
Peter R. Reynolds
+Richard M. Reynolds
+Tracy L. Rich
Kim E. Rinehart
Hon. Antonio C. Robaina
Richard A. Roberts
William J. Roberts
James K. Robertson, Jr.
Dorothy K. Robinson
John J. Robinson
Richard C. Robinson
Edward F. Rodenbach
Barbara I. Rodgers
Betty Ann Rogers
Hon. Chase T. Rogers
+*Lewis B. Rome
+Stephen E. Ronai
Norman H. Roos
Hon. Andrew W. Roraback
+*Catherine G. Roraback
Charles W. Roraback
*David N. Rosen
Mark A. Rosenblum
David E. Rosengren
Kenneth Rosenthal
Judith Rossi
James H. Rotondo
Perry Zinn Rowthorn
George D. Royster
William M. Rubenstein
Ann H. Rubin
Frank E. Rudewicz
Debra C. Ruel
Hon. William B. Rush
Martin M. Rutchik
Steven M. Rutstein
Michael D. Rybak
William Sadek
*J. Daniel Sagarin
Stephen L. Saltzman
Jay H. Sandak
Erick M. Sandler
Rafael A. Santiago
+*Hubert J. Santos
+Hon. Robert Satter
Tracy Alan Saxe
Brad Saxton
Ellen Scalettar
+Cornelius J. Scanlon
David R. Schaefer
+*Hon. Barry R. Schaller
Cheryl A. Sharp
Louis B. Schatz
+George Schatzki
Howard B. Schiller
Hon. Jessica C. Torres Shlatz
Irving S. Schloss
Jon L. Schoenhorn
+*Samuel V. Schoonmaker, III
James C. Schulwolf
David R. Scott
Joseph K. Scully
Penny Q. Seaman
+Edgar T. See
Ted M. See
Hon. Hope C. Seeley
David L. Sfara
+Matthew Shafner
Namita Shah
Hon. Rupal Shah
David M.S. Shaiken
+Paul D. Shapero
Gregory A. Sharp
Sheryl A. Shaughnessey
Kevin C. Shea
Hon. Michael P. Shea
Hon. Barbara J. Sheedy
+*Edward Maum Sheehy
Hon. Michael R. Sheldon
Robert R. Sheldon
David S. Shepack
James H. Shulman
Ann M. Siczewicz
Claudine F. Siegel
Robert G. Siegel
Carolyn A. Signorelli
Hon. Jonathan E. Silbert
*Richard A. Silver
Jeroll R. Silverberg
Frank J. Silvestri Jr.
Douglas S. Skalka
Mark G. Sklarz
Cindy R. Slane
Richard Slavin
Brian R. Smith
Alfred E. Smith Jr.
Christopher J. Smith
Kevin M. Smith
Robin L. Smith
Robert H. Smith, Jr.
Toni Smith-Rosario
Gerard A. Smyth
*Richard K. Snyder
Ben A. Solnit
Robert A. Solomon
Hon. Mary E. Sommer
+Ethel S. Sorokin
+Theodore M. Space
Janet Spaulding
Elicia Pegues Spearman
Giovanni Spennato
+*Hon. John A. Speziale
Alan R. Spier
John P. Spilka
Felix J. Springer
Sara R. Stadler
Karen Staib
*James F. Stapleton
James H. Stark
Zisca St. Clair
Judith A. Stein
Gregory Stephenson
Hon. Barry K. Stevens
Kate Stith-Cabranes
*Martha Stone
Susan O. Storey
Christina M. Storm
Kurt A. Strasser
Michael A. Stratton
Steven R. Strom
Hon. Jose A. Suarez
Ryan M. Suerth
Timothy J. Sugrue
James F. Sullivan
Shaun S. Sullivan
Hon. William J. Sullivan
J. Michael Sulzbach
William J. Sweeney, Jr.
David A. Swerdloff
Craig L. Sylvester
*Colin C. Tait
Hon. James J. Tancredi
Hon. Lois Tanzer
Kerry A. Tarpey
Allan B. Taylor
Robert M. Taylor, III
Deborah J. Tedford
Philip D. Tegeler
Ernest F. Teitell
Hon. George N. Thim
Hon. Cecil J. Thomas
Clarisse N. Thomas
Mark G. Thompson
Mike K. Thompson
Wayne G. Tillinghast
Alphonso E. Tindall, Jr.
Hon. Erika M. Tindill
Preston C. Tisdale
Rhonda J. Tobin
Marilyn Toland
Richard W. Tomeo
+Terry J. Tondro
Stephen I. Traub
Robert Trautmann
Martha S. Triplett
Jonathan B. Tropp
+*James A. Trowbridge
Theodore J. Tucci
Eric V. Turner
Stanley A. Twardy, Jr.
^Richard Twilley
*Cheever Tyler
Andrew M. Ullman
Hon. Stefan R. Underhill
Lynne A. Ustach
J. Paul Vance Jr.
Janet VanTassel
Hon. Christine S. Vertefeuille
Richard F. Vitarelli
Richard Voigt
Lyn G. Walker
Michael J. Walsh
+Hon. Richard A. Walsh
Jane Kimball Warren
Robert P. Wax
Maureen Weaver
Martin Jackson Webber
Gerald T. Weiner
Jonathan S. Weiner
Matthew Weiner
Alison Weir
Giovanna Tiberii Weller
Philip S. Wellman
Jean L. Welty
Daniel Wenner
Hon. Dawne G. Westbrook
Harry J. Wexler
Brian J. Wheelin
Jeffery J. White
Shelley A. White
Christine M. Whitehead
Eric W. Wiechmann
+Marjorie S. Wilder
*Michael S. Wilder
Thomas R. Wildman
Kenneth G. Williams
Paul D. Williams
F. Scott Wilson
Hon. Robin L. Wilson
James C. Wing, Jr.
Lewis K. Wise
Michael J. Wishnie
Deborah R. Witkin
Andrew L. Wizner
Nicholas E. Wocl
Austin K. Wolf
+Susan W. Wolfson
Martin Wolman
Susan Wright
Hon. Michael Wu
*John C. Yavis, Jr.
William P. Yelenak
David B. Zabel
Albert Zakarian
Denise V. Zamore
*Mario J. Zangari
Hon. Peter T. Zarella
Robert D. Zaslow
Ronald W. Zdrojeski
Richard D. Zeisler
+*Jacob D. Zeldes
+William S. Zeman
Jeremy G. Zimmermann
Angelo A. Ziotas
Paul B. Zolan
Ann H. Zucker
Upon acceptance of the invitation to become a James W. Cooper Fellow,
the attorneys recognized below pledged a generous commitment to support the Fellows Program.
Wystan M. Ackerman
Hon. Linda Allard
Marsha L. Anastasia
Bradford S. Babbitt
Ashleigh Backman
Douglas Balko
Jamey Bell
+*Terence H. Benbow
+Bessye W. Bennett
Heather O. Berchem
Marie C. Bertrand
Hon. Tejas Bhatt
Patrick M. Birney
Kathryn Bissonnette
Jenn Bourn
TaShun Bowden-Lewis
Hon. Elizabeth Bozzuto
Natalie Braswell
Liam Brennan
Christine E. Bromberg
Sara C. Bronin
Tracie C. Brown
Edward J. Bryan III
+Gurdon H. Buck
James A. Budinetz
Meghan M. Sweeney Burns
J. Tyler Butts
Kerry R. Callahan
Edwin Camacho
+Jerome E. Caplan
John Carberry
Lorraine Carcova
Dennis Carnelli
Hon. Karyl L. Carrasquilla
Patrick Caruso
David W. Case
Richard F. Casher
Maggie I. Castinado
Carolyn Cavolo
Charlesa Ceres
Vincent Cervoni
Joseph J. Chambers
Margaret Q. Chapple
Scott Charmoy
Matthew J. Cholewa
Cindy Cieslak
^Anthony Ciolli
Stephen O. Clancy
Edwin Colon
Seth Conant
Mary Conklin
Jacquelyn A. Conlon
John Cordani Jr.
Benjamin Cordiano
Dean M. Cordiano
Art T. Corey
Kara M. Crismale
Andrew Crumbie
Stephanie Cummings
Linda A. P. Cunha
Candace M. Cunningham
Glenn M. Cunningham
Deirdre M. Daly
+*Hon. T.F. Gilroy Daly
Hon. Robert A. D'Andrea
Jill Davies
^Hon. Tracy Lee Dayton
Michelle Wilcox DeBarge
Robert M. DeCrescenzo
^Aaron Dhir
Kathleen E. Dion
Leander A. Dolphin
Jodie L. Driscoll
Hon. Nuala E. Droney
**Elizabeth Drummond
Michelle M. Duprey
+Kathleen A. Dwyer
Noah Eisenhandler
Tais C. Ericson
Steven J. Errante
Thamar Esperance-Smith
Timothy H. Everett
S. Bruce Fair
Sandra Fair
Julie C. Fay
Joshua Feldman
Hon. Shanique Fenlator
Victoria T. Ferrara
^Jennifer Ferrante
Michelle Fica
Hon. Anna Ficeto
Susan F. Filan
Beck S. Fineman
Marc T. Finer
Vaughan Finn
Brendan M. Fox
Jason M. Fragoso
Patricia Cruz Fragoso
Scott B. Franklin
Robin G. Frederick
Meghan E. Freed
Jason Gagnon
Bet Gailor
^Bridget Gallagher
^Dean Brian Gallini
Anthony P. Gangemi
Heather Gerken
^Jesse Giddings
David Golder -
Josh Goodbaum
Josephine Graff
Hon. Ernest Green, Jr.
Hillary J. Greene
Lauren R. Greenspoon
^Hon. Christopher Griffins
Hon. Auden C. Grogins
Hon. Jane K. Grossman
Cody N. Guarnieri
Cullen Guilmartin
Amy Haberman
Karyl Lee Hall
J. Vance Hancock
David S. Hardy
Hon. Gerald L. Harmon
Kara Hart
Kristen N. Hatcher
Nilda Havrilla
James Healy
^Sarah Healey
Edward J. Heath
Brian T. Henebry
^Jennifer Herbst
Steve Hernández
+Thomas P. Heslin
**Krista Hess
Carmina K. Hirsch
Barbara Housen
Claire Howard
Dana M. Hrelic
Tiffany Hubbard
Paul A. Hughes
Seth Huttner
Carolyn Ikari
Leslie Jennings-Lax
Benjamin C. Jensen
Gabriel J. Jiran
^Daniel S. Jo
Hon. Robyn Stewart Johnson
Tara R. Johnson
Robert E. Kaelin
Robin Kallor
+Joseph F. Keefe
^Mary Kelly
Jessica Grossarth Kennedy
Nancy Kennedy
Najia S. Khalid
Uswah A. Khan
Joaquina Borges King
Patricia King
^Hon. Daniel Klau
Gary S. Klein
+John A. Klein
Christopher Klepps
Patrick A. Klingman
Noah Kores
Daniel J. Krisch
Jon T. Kukucka
Michael Larobina
John L. Laudati
^Sandra Lautier
Gail Martinez Lawrence
Anika Singh Lemar
Hon. George Levine
Carolyn R. Linsey
Anne H. Littlefield
Hon. Ann E. Lynch
Hon. Jennifer Macierowski
Joaquin L. Madry
Myklyn Mahoney
+Hon. John P. Maloney
Kristen M. Marcroft
Joseph W. Martini
Maura Mastrony
Rebecca A. Matthews
Kristin B. Mayhew
Jacob McChesney
Christopher B. McDavid
Bruce L. McDermott
Kate McEvoy
Virginia E. McGarrity
David McGrath
David McGuire
Alexandra McHugh
Patrick J. McHugh
Hon. Stephanie A. McLaughlin
+Paul J. McQuillan
Bradford P. Meacham
Robert S. Melvin
Michael Menapace
Yamuna Menon
Hon. Denise W. Merrill
Rowena A. Moffett
Tracie L. Molinaro
Angela Morizio
Hon. Ndidi Moses
Sean P. Moylan
Gregory Muccilli
Jeffrey P. Mueller
Hon. Raheem Mullins
Kara A. T. Murphy
Sara Nadim
Hon. Carla Nascimento Zahner
Carl R. Nasto
Megan R. Naughton
Mark H. Neikrie
Eboni S. Nelson
Andrew B. Nevas -
^Samuel Neves
Brian D. Nichols
Susan Garcia Nofi
Mark Nordstrom
Robert J. O'Brien
Hon. Vernon D. Oliver
Bryan J. Orticelli
Jill O'Toole
Vincent P. Pace
Keisha S. Palmer
John M. Parese
Sonia Pedraza
^Hon. Chris Pelosi
Hon. Christine Perra Rapillo
Franklin E. Perry
Suphi Philip
Cherie G. Phoenix
Hon. W. Glen Pierson
Charles W. Pieterse
Richard W. Pingel
William K. Piotrowski
Nina Pirrotti
Hon. Maureen Price-Boreland
^Darren Pruslow
Michelle Querijero
Matthew Ranelli
Agata Raszczyk-Lawska
James P. Ray
Patricia E. Reilly
Leah M. Reimer
Randolph E. Richardson, II
James C. Riley
Hon. Michael E. Riley
^Jessica Ritter
Angela C. Robinson
Cindy Robinson
David C. Robinson
Leonard Rodriguez
Michael Rose
R. Elizabeth Rosenthal
Nicole M. Rothgeb
Henry L. Rowland II
Kevin M. Roy
Nandita Ruchandani
James M. Ruel
Sarah French Russell
Shelley R. Sadin
Maria A. Santos
+Charles Newton Schenck, III
Carl J. Schiessl
Hon. Joseph B. Schwartz
Alan G. Schwartz
^C. Scott Schwefel
Kelly A. Scott
Evan J. Seeman
Michele Sensale
^Erin Shaffer
^Hon. Amir Shaikh
^Hon. Sophia Shaikh
Jonathan M. Shapiro
Giovanna E. Shay
Allenston M. Sheridan, Jr.
Karen M. Sills
Alix Simonetti
^Hon. Jessica Simpson
Hon. Nada Sizemore (Ret.)
Kenneth Slater
+Robert A. Slavitt
James R. Smart
Alexis H. Smith
Shawn Smith
Stacy Smith Walsh
Courtney P. Spencer
+William J. Speranza
Edward B. Spinella
Douglas R. Steinmetz
Tiffany L. Stevens
Richard L. Street
Hon. Beverly K. Streit-Kefalas
Oscar L. Suarez
Brian R. Suffredini
Deborah DelPrete Sullivan
Gina Teixeira
Hon. Carletha S. P. Texidor
Don Therkildsen Jr.
Michael P. Thompson
Mike K. Thompson
Tahlia Townsend
John Tucker
S. Dave Vatti
^Marie-Louise Villar
Laureen J. Vitale
Hon. Emily Wagner
Natalie Wagner
Sharmese Walcott
Abby M. Warren
Matthew T. Wax-Krell
+Mary Moers Wenig
Robert A. White
Jennifer Willcox
Gregory J. Williams
Latonia C. Williams
Hon. Omar Williams
Janice Wolf
Daniel M. Young
Kristen L. Zaehringer
Anne Kelly Zovas
^Carleen Zubrzycki
*Charter James W. Cooper Fellow
#Charter Catherine Roraback Circle Fellow
^New Fellow
** Honorary Fellow