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Fellows Roster



Chair - Honorable Barry Armata
Vice Chair  - Honorable Cecil Thomas
Secretary - Attorney Yamuna Menon

2024 Catherine Roraback Circle

The Roraback Circle is composed of Life Fellows who are prominent Connecticut attorneys and judges committed to the preservation and expansion of the Rule of Law who have made enhanced funding contributions to support the Fellows Program. The Circle is named in honor and memory of the late Catherine “Katie” Roraback. Katie’s entire career exemplified what it truly means for an attorney to uphold the Rule of Law and the administration of justice.

2025 Sustaining Life Fellows

These generous individuals have made the Connecticut Bar Foundation a central part of their annual giving beyond their initial ten-year giving pledge. The contributions of Sustaining Life Fellows help the Foundation continually find ways to advance the role of the law in society and to build public awareness around the need to increase equitable access to justice. 

Life Fellows

Life Fellows have fulfilled the generous initial contribution pledge they made to support the
James W. Cooper Fellows Program upon accepting the invitation to become a Fellow. 


Upon acceptance of the invitation to become a James W. Cooper Fellow,
the attorneys recognized below pledged a generous commitment to support the Fellows Program.

*Charter James W. Cooper Fellow
#Charter Catherine Roraback Circle Fellow
^New Fellow
** Honorary Fellow
