Virtual Roundtable Discussion: An Exploration of Implicit Bias in Employment Law
The foundation of many employment law claims is proof of discriminatory intent. However, our growing understanding of implicit bias necessarily leads practitioners to ask questions, such as:
• What role, if any, should evidence of implicit bias play in cases involving intent-based employment claims?
• Should discovery properly exclude evidence that arguably relates more to implicit bias than to intent, and where should the line be drawn?
• What are the pros and cons of using experts on implicit bias?
Please join us for a Zoom Roundtable as we explore these questions and more, and examine the role of implicit bias in intentional discrimination cases, from the scope of discovery to admissibility to expert witnesses. We will welcome an experienced panel of employment law practitioners to guide a lively discussion of these timely issues.
Attorney Gregg Adler
Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly, PC
Attorney Claire Howard
Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau LLC
Attorney Abby M. Warren
Robinson & Cole LLP
Attorney Victoria Woodin Chavey
Chavey Legal Services LLC
FELLOWS EVENT: Registration for this event is open to Connecticut Bar Foundation James W. Cooper Fellows. If you are a Fellow and would like to register for this event, please contact For more information on how to become a James W. Cooper Fellow, please visit the link provided below.