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Awareness Week 2023 - Children Crossing Borders: Migrant Children’s Vulnerability to Trafficking

Thursday, February 16, 2023
6:00 pm8:00 pm
Zoom Webinar

Please join the Quinnipiac University School of Law Human Trafficking Prevention Project—along with the Connecticut Bar Association and the Connecticut Bar Foundation—for our second panel of Awareness Week 2023: “Children Crossing Borders: Migrant Children’s Vulnerability to Trafficking.”

With images of the separation of migrant kids seemingly in our rearview mirror, many Americans are no longer focused on the children who continue to arrive at our border. We know little about who they are, why they come, what they encounter as they head north, how they are “processed” when they arrive, and the struggles they face as they are resettled in cities and towns across the United States.

To examine the trafficking risks faced by Central America migrants, this panel follows these children on their journey to the U.S.—first, exploring the reasons why they leave their families and their homes and the dangers they face as they move north; next, focusing on their experiences at the border as the U.S. government attempts to process them in a child-appropriate manner; and, finally, highlighting their struggles to resettle here in Connecticut, adjust to American life, and regularize their immigration status in this country.

Our panel features attorneys and scholars who have spent their careers working with Central American migrants:
• Autumn Quezada-Grant, Associate Professor of History, Roger Williams University.
• Maegan Faitsch, Staff Attorney, Connecticut Legal Services.
• Alisa Whitfield, Staff Attorney, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND).
• Alicia Kinsman, Attorney, Law Office of Alicia R. Kinsman (formerly of Project Rescue, CIRI).
• Moderator: Danielle Robinson Briand, Founding Attorney at Justicia Law (Quinnipiac Law ’12).

Attorneys admitted in Connecticut may claim up to two CT CLE hours for attending this event.

For more information and to register, please click the link below.
