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Constance Baker Motley Speaker Series: The Rage of Innocence: Race and the Criminalization of Adolescent Behavior

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
5:00 pm6:30 pm

Weaving together powerful narratives and persuasive data, Professor Kristin Henning explores the criminalization of normal adolescent behaviors and makes a compelling case that racial disparities in the juvenile and criminal legal systems are deeply rooted in America's unfounded, and sometimes intentionally manufactured, fears of youth of color. Unlike white youth, who are afforded the freedom to test boundaries and figure out who they are and who they want to be, Black and Latino youth are seen as a threat and denied the privileges of healthy adolescent play, adventure, and experimentation. Professor Henning will examine the long-term consequences of racism and trauma that arise from the discriminatory and aggressive “policing” of Black and Latino youth and demonstrate how contemporary law enforcement practices have socialized a generation of teenagers to fear and resent the police. Drawing upon recent advances in cognitive science and developmental psychology, this session will consider how racial bias, stereotype threat, and the traumatic effects of policing impact every aspect of a criminal case, including criminal culpability, search and seizure, police interrogation, mitigation and sentencing.

Highlighting findings from her book, The Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth, Professor Henning will offer practical insights for serving youth of color and transforming systems that harm youth and young adults.

Cost: Free

CT: 1.5 CLE Credits (Ethics)

To learn more about this event or to register via Zoom, please visit the link provided below.
