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Awareness Week 2024 - Broadening the Scope: A Conversation with Males Impacted by Sex Trafficking

Thursday, February 22, 2024
6:00 pm8:00 pm
Quinnipiac University School of Law
370 Bassett Road
North Haven, CT 06473

Please join the Quinnipiac University School of Law Human Trafficking Prevention Project—along with the Connecticut Bar Association and Connecticut Bar Foundation—for our first panel of Awareness Week 2024: “Broadening the Scope: A Conversation with Males Impacted by Sex Trafficking.”

While the anti-sex trafficking movement has brought awareness to female survivors of trafficking, the sex and labor trafficking of males is often overlooked. According to experts, the underreporting of men and boys is rampant. Stigma and shame, coupled with gender-specific awareness efforts, programs, and services that use non-inclusive language and imagery, deter males from disclosing grooming, sexual exploitation, and trauma in general.

Join us for a conversation with two experts who draw on their own lived experiences in order to illuminate some of the unique challenges faced by men and boys who have been sex and labor trafficked. Grounding the discussion in their lived experiences, both men will highlight topics such as prevalence; stereotypes and myths; vulnerabilities and intersectionality; “a day in the life;” why trafficked persons stay and how they get out; and solutions, including recovery, services, and reform.

Our inspiring and expert panelists include:
• an anonymous male survivor of sex trafficking;
• Nathan Earl, Public Health Consultant for giantslayer., Executive M.P.H. at Yale University ('24);
• Moderator: Sheila N. Hayre, Clinical Professor of Law at Quinnipiac University.

In order to ensure that the panelists’ personal stories remain confidential, the panel discussion will not be recorded and zoom attendance will not be an option. Further, all attendees will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, agreeing to not disclose any identifying information about the panelists, including their names and any other identifying details.

This is a free event.

Attorneys admitted in Connecticut may claim up to two (2) CLE hours for attending this event.

For more information and to register, please click the link above.
