are honored to present
Conservatorship in Connecticut:
Where we’ve been, where we are, where do we go next
A Series of Conversations

Series Overview
It’s not often that “conservatorship” is a trending topic on Twitter or the plot line of a new movie. However, that is where we find ourselves – Twitter is abuzz with users weighing in on conservatorships, and viewers can now find the “Framing Britney Spears” documentary on FX/Hulu, or “I Care A Lot” on Netflix.
Capitalizing on the timeliness of this topic, the Connecticut Bar Foundation and the James W. Cooper Fellows invite you to join us for the new series, "Conservatorship in Connecticut: Where we've been, where we are, where do we go next." The series, created in collaboration with the Office of the Probate Court Administrator and the Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., will include bimonthly discussions addressing the concept of conservatorship, the evolution of relevant statutes over time, and the potential for further reform, all while incorporating the perspectives and lived experiences of various stakeholders, including those subject to conservatorships and their loved ones.
Past Events
Exploring Conservatorship in Connecticut
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2021, 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM
The inaugural event in this series discussed the concept of conservatorship as it exists in the state of Connecticut. Our speakers began to explore how conservatorships came to be, and both their positive and negative ramifications. CBF was pleased to offer both ASL interpretation and enhanced closed captioning for this event.