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#41 Dialogues and Conversations Part II

The Hon. Constance Baker Motley
Speaker Series on Racial Inequality

Dialogues and Conversations: Part II

January 18, 2021
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

At our last Dialogues and Conversations event, we had highly meaningful and engaging dialogue and conversation about racial inequality, systemic racism, how to help change the status quo and how to get involved, so much so that we ran out of our allotted time.  Many of you asked to have a “Part II” in order to continue the discussion, so the Connecticut Bar Foundation James W. Cooper Fellows and the Connecticut Bar Association invite you to a second roundtable discussion on these topics.  The goal is to further assist people in developing skills to approach this very topic out in the world, to provide people with the tools needed to have these difficult discussions, and how to safely navigate in and out of these conversations.

Dr. Patricia Christiana
Clinical Psychologist in Vernon, CT

Attorney Uswah A. Khan
Fairfield Family Law, LLC

Hon. Michael E. Riley (Ret.)
Pullman & Comley, LLC

Attorney Kim L. Duell
Law Offices of Kim L. Duell

Attorney Tracie L. Molinaro
St. Onge & Broulliard

Attorney Timothy J. Johnston
Balskus & Johnston, LLC

Attorney Allenston M. Sheridan, Jr.
Diana, Conti & Tunila, LLP
