
Chief Justice Speziale was a pioneer in bringing alternative dispute resolution to Connecticut. As Chief Court Administrator in the mid-1970s, he implemented a massive reorganization of the Connecticut court system, merging the Court of Common Pleas with the Superior Court and laying the groundwork for Connecticut’s Appellate Court. He also established an alternative means of resolving disputes outside the court setting. Under his tutelage, Connecticut became a national model on how to expedite cases.
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Restorative Justice & Juvenile Justice
13th John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
November 22, 2024, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Quinnipiac University School of Law, 370 Bassett Road, North Haven, CT 06473
The 13th Speziale ADR symposium brought together people who work both with at-risk youth who commit harm and with community stakeholders, to better collaborate to reduce recidivism and the “school-to-prison” pipeline by using restorative practices. To date, there has been limited collaboration and coordination between these systems. The symposium focused on what is happening in Connecticut, as well as nationally and internationally, using restorative justice processes to transform youth justice systems and make communities safer and more connected.
Is Virtual Justice Just?
12th John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
November 4, 2022, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Quinnipiac University School of Law, 370 Bassett Road, North Haven, CT 06473
The 12th Speziale ADR Symposium, Is Virtual Justice Just?, was held at Quinnipiac University School of Law on Friday, November 4, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. National experts and trial lawyers joined us to share their unique perspectives and expertise on this topic.
This symposium was divided into two sessions, each with its own focus. The morning session, Virtual Trials: What’s the Verdict?, examined how virtual trials, including virtual juries, have been utilized in various jurisdictions. The afternoon session, Is ODR the Future of ADR?, considered how artificial intelligence is being used in the legal system and discussed the growing use of online dispute resolution (ODR) in Connecticut and across the country.
Please click the buttons above to access the symposium program and a recording of the event.
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Friends of the Hon. John A. Speziale ADR Symposium

Morning Session Presenters
Morning Session Moderators
Afternoon Session Presenters
Afternoon Session Moderators
11th John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
November 13, 2019 -
Finding Solid Ground: Environmental and Land Use Dispute Resolution in Connecticut
10th John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
March 17, 2017 -
What are the Cures for Conflict in Healthcare?
Ninth John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
March 27, 2015 -
ADR in Hard Times: Can Alternative Dispute Resolution Maintain Access to Justice When Resources Are Limited?
Eighth John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
October 19, 2012 -
Achieving the Goals of Criminal Justice: A Role for Mediation?
Seventh John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
October 15, 2010 -
Where Have We Come? What Lies Ahead?
Sixth John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
May 16, 2008 -
ADR's Next Frontier: Ethics, Regulation and Standards Practice
Fifth John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
April 1, 2005 -
Proposed Revised Uniform Arbitration Act and Uniform Mediation Act
Fourth John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
October 4, 2002 -
Community Mediation: Empowerment or Second Class Justice?
Third John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
June 8, 2001 -
Court Annexed ADR
Second John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
October 29, 1999 -
Alternative Dispute Resolution as Justice: Has ADR Kept Its Promise?
First John A. Speziale ADR Symposium
October 23, 1998